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My introduction to photography came when I was 7 years old. My aunt gave me a little box camera as a Christmas gift. I soon became addicted to shooting photos. I shot 1 or 2 rolls every week. Film and developing was pretty expensive for a 7 year old boy, so I went into business for myself. I discovered if I took portraits of people, I could sell them prints and make enough money to pay for film and developing. At that time I enjoyed shooting portraits.


When in high school I dreamt of becoming a professional photographer. I didn't’ have a favorite subject at this time. As a person who likes to use mechanical tools, I was addicted to using the camera. I showed a photograph of a building to a high school art teacher, who said “You have a great eye for architectural photography.” This started my passion for architectural photography.

During architectural school I received an award and used the money to buy my first Nikon F black body with PC Nikkor 2.8/35mm lens. They were pretty rare during those times and everyone was dreaming of getting a black Nikon F.


Soon, I started taking photographs for architectural construction companies. This provided me with good spending money while I finished my education. I later became a professional architectural photographer. For more than ten years I shot photographs for many major Japanese magazines. I had the good fortune to photograph the works of world renown architects. Eventually, I started to feel architectural photography was too artificial.                                 


First of all, I am a fly fisherman. I love mother nature, especially beautiful streams. I spent many days fishing in mountain streams during the time I was photographing architecture. I decided to quit taking architectural photos, and I began focusing on my most favorite place in the world - streams. As an industrial designer and fly fisherman, my passion is fly rod design. I spent so many hours in the streams.


Stream side became my studio, like a design firm studio. I enjoy thinking of new creative ideas on the streams. I want to keep good memories of these beautiful streams. So I became a stream photographer. My intent is to be a good river keeper. I invite you to these beautiful streams - to enjoy visiting my favorite world. I enjoy sharing these pretty streams and beautiful native fishes. In sharing my photos, I hope to play a role in protecting our priceless waters for next generations - to keep these beautiful environments forever.


Henry Haneda





© 2014 by Henry Haneda / Call 253-651-0535 /


None of the photographs on this website are to be downloaded, stored, printed, distributed 
or otherwise manipulated without prior written permission from the photographer. 
None of the photographs within this website are considered within public domain. 
All photographs on this website are protected under domestic and international copyright laws.

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